Yes, Bonneval-sur-Arc is one of the Most Beautiful Villages of France:** with slate roofs, stone walls, well-preserved architecture, and homes nestled in the heart of peaks rising over 3000 meters... it’s truly a feast for the eyes.
Yes, Bonneval-sur-Arc is also the village of *Belle and Sebastian*: the films starring Clovis Cornillac, Tchéky Karyo, and Félix Bossuet were filmed here.
But more than that, Bonneval-sur-Arc is a ski resort—and serious skiing at that! It’s home to the Marmotte Vénère, the emblem of the Freeride World Tour Junior in Bonneval-sur-Arc. Each year, pro riders (and high-level amateurs) from around the world gather here to take on the spectacular spots and XXL freeride opportunities.
With snow accumulations frequently reaching up to 10 meters, Bonneval-sur-Arc is a real gem in the freeride scene. Discover it in full *Marmotte Vénère* mode!